Now Available!
Rooted in the Storm is a 61-day devotional of faith which shares excerpts from an ongoing 300+ day critical care hospitalization of Beth’s husband, Chris. Each day includes a devotion that was written during this time as God was growing Beth’s faith. This devotional book was written to help you find peace and encouragement in any storm you may face. The daily devotions are a part of Beth’s journey in learning the peace that comes from being rooted in Christ regardless of the circumstances.
Learning to root yourself each day will change how you experience God in this season. It is only in Him that you will find all you need. If your storm has left you struggling with sleepless nights and a broken heart, this devotional book was written with you in mind. Through this difficult experience, Beth learned to grow her roots deeper into God and begin each day worshiping Him. Her prayer is that this devotional book will help encourage and equip you during your season of storms so that your life will bear great fruit.
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”-John 15:5
Now Available!
Rooted Leaders is THRILLED to launch our first devotional series to help you grow your roots and identify your calling in Christ! Through this 4-part
devotional series, you will identify the steps needed to uncover your unique ‘seed’ or calling from Christ; learn the importance of planting yourself in the church to your calling; craft a personalized vision for your life; identify goals and priorities; reveal your specific calling by discovering your spiritual gifts and strengths; produce actionable steps to nourish your seed for future growth, and more.
Now Available!
Rooted Leaders is THRILLED to launch our second book in this devotional series to help you grow your roots and identify your calling in Christ! Through this 4-part devotional series, you will identify the steps needed to uncover your unique ‘seed’ or calling from Christ; learn the importance of planting yourself in the church to your calling; craft a personalized vision for your life; understand WHY you need to make room in your life to develop your calling and be given practical steps how to cull out 'good' things in your life so that you have the room needed for God's GREAT things; produce actionable steps to nourish your seed for future growth, and more.