Personal Leadership Development
Rooted Leaders personal leadership development courses, "Empowering God's Women TODAY to Walk Out God's Calling on Their Life TOMORROW" was developed with you in mind. This is a personalized three or six-month personal leadership development and coaching program designed for women who are ready to get off the hamster wheel of life and actually begin achieving their dreams. Through the course of either monthly one-on-one or small group sessions, we will provide you with the building blocks needed to make real change to your life so that EVERY woman can reach her full potential.
Class Topics
Over the course of the personal leadership program, we will discuss a variety of topics, including:
Writing a God-Centered Purpose Statement for your Life.
Crafting Decisions & Goals to Achieve Your Vision for Your Life.
Prioritizing-How to Keep First Things First
Managing Our Time Effectively
Strategically Making Wise Daily Decisions
Leveraging Our Strengths, Gifts, and Personality to Achieve Our Vision
Planting Ourselves for Growth
Effective Communication
Building a Servant Leadership Team
Personal Leadership is YOUR Decision.
The decisions you make today matter. Every decision points your life in the direction you are about to travel. NO decision is an isolated choice. It's a chain of events. If you choose wisely, your future will reflect that. But if you don't choose wisely, the decisions you make now will take you to places that you don't want to be later. Show me a decision, and I'll show you a direction." Lysa Terkeurst
Benefits of joining Rooted Leaders Empowering God's Women TODAY to Walk Out God's Calling on Their Life TOMORROW program include:
• A personalized curriculum to meet your specific need-whether in a private one-on-one session or in a small group setting.
• Personal coaching focused on your individual leadership style
• Step-by-step action oriented tasks that build on each other which will equip you to make lasting change.
• Monthly in-person meetings and personalized mid-month check-ins
• The tangible help you need to increase productivity & results to achieve the life you want.
I very much enjoyed the Rooted Leaders leadership program. I enrolled in this leadership development program because over the years I have found myself being assigned more and more leadership roles at work, with literally no leadership training or preparation. The Rooted Leaders's program was very outcome-oriented, which I love. Each month we learned skills we could apply immediately. I was directed to not only set goals, but to identify behaviors I would change in order to meet those goals. Each time I left a session I had new ideas of how to better lead others or manage my own time and resources that I could put to use that very day. I really enjoyed monthly meetings with the other women in my group. The meetings held me accountable for completing the month's activities, but it also helped me get new ideas or interpretations of the readings and activities of that month. Overall, I learned a lot from the program and will utilize many tools Rooted Leaders taught me.
— T. Davis, Ph.D., BCBA-D
I consider myself a highly organized individual, but couldn’t seem to manage my household responsibilities, the care of my children, as well as beginning my career again. Rooted Leaders helped me prioritize and manage my time, and accomplish all three major responsibilities where it is not taxing on my energy or my relationships to my family and friends. I do not think I would be as successful as I currently am without her influence. I cannot recommend their services enough for making what appears to be the impossible manageable to achieve.
— Anonymous