So often when we pray to God for miracles, what we're really asking is 'make it easy.' But what if easy isn't best? Easy doesn't build character or perseverance or strength. Easy isn't impactful, memorable and life-changing. God, rarely does easy..actually, the one who LOVES easy is Satan. Satan wants us to live in easy..where we don't struggle so that we don't change..when it's easy, we don't have a reason or need to impact our life nor anyone else's. He likes easy because easy keeps us from realizing our REAL need and dependency on God. Easy keeps us focused on our own abilities and keeps us in a place where we judge others against 'our' easy.
But what if, in order for God to make his masterpiece in our life, He needs us to walk the hard walk of THROUGH. It is in the walking THROUGH the miracle that character and strength and perseverance are birthed. It is when we walk THROUGH the miracle that lives-beyond our own-are impacted & changed. It is walking THROUGH the miracle that we realize what has ALWAYS been true, but were often too blind to see-our real need & dependency on God. It is only in the going THROUGH the miracle that God can finish his masterpiece in and THROUGH us.